Children’s books. Character design. Toolkits.
Drawing, my first love. Really any artist’s first love.
Nothing brings me more joy than bringing a character to life. From character design to picture books, graphic novels to brand toolkits, I love capturing and conveying emotion and personality through gesture, line, texture and color.

Chloe Has Chlamydia: Picture Book
Chloe Has Chlamydia: Picture Book *
When Jackie Prince asked me if I would illustrate the story of Chloe the koala and her unfortunate brush with an all to common STI, I knew I had to say yes! Fast forward one year and you have Chloe Has Chlamydia - an educational but fun way for folks to talk about safe sex.
I developed the look and feel for Chloe, her friends and their world, illustrating the entirety of a 32 page picture book (for adults), including the initial moquette and all cover and dust-jacket art. Each illustration was drawn and painted digitally using Adobe Photoshop.
We then worked closely with our contact at Mascot Publishing to deliver each formatted page with layered illustrations as well as a few hand-written highlights from the story. I then helped promote the book via sticker designs and illustrations for social media.
Highlights include drawing some adorable Australian animals and seeing the book on the shelf of my local Brooklyn book store!
A few of my favorite snacks.
Visa Developers: Illustration Toolkit
Visa Developers: Illustration Toolkit *
Illustration toolkit I developed as art director and illustrator at Decoded Advertising for Visa Developers.
Visa Developers wanted an illustration refresh to help distinguish them from the rest of Visa. It was important that it retain the same color scheme as Visa but with hints to their background in technology.
The toolkit needed to include: a set of characters in various poses, assorted accessories, background elements, a complete color palette and, of course, be interchangeable and reusable across their entire site and social platform.
All illustrations were created in Adobe Illustrator with textures in Photoshop.
Mary Shelley's Birthday
Mary Shelley's Birthday *
Illustration I did in Procreate to celebrate Mary Shelley’s 225th birthday.
Did you know she wrote over half a dozen novels in her life, in addition to numerous short stories? A fact that is easily overlooked in the shadow of the modern Prometheus. One even foretold of a world in the grip of a global pandemic.
I thought it would be nice to highlight a few of those stories - along with Frankenstein, of course - in a gallery of Shelley.
Sketches of Simona Kossak - scientist, ecologist and the author of award-winning films – as well as activist who fought to protect Europe’s oldest forest.
West Indian Manatee
West Indian Manatee *
Got inspired while sitting in the Hall of Ocean Life at the American Museum of Natural History.